Light Year Studio presents their first Lupin III piece, Fujiko Mine. Hailing from the latest installment in the belove Lupin III franchise, Fujiko is depicted in the middle of a chase. As she reaches back with a gun in her left hand, she holds onto her motorcycle with ease. With her perfectly coiffed hair, she wears a bright mint cat suit. Standing nearly 16" tall, this statue is limited to just 299 pieces.
Materials: Resin, PU, ABS
Product Size: H 40cm x W 39cm x D 28cm
UPC | LYS002 |
Product Type | Statues |
Price | 716.62 USD |
Appearance | Lupin III |
Can ship to overseas | No |
Gift wrap | No |
License | Yes |
Limited edition | YES |
Manufacture | LIGHT YEAR STUDIO |
Material | Resin, PU, ABS |
Scale | 1/6 |
Statue Size | H 40cm x W 39cm x D 28cm |
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